dinsdag 17 maart 2009

Countdown has started

To all our English reading friends; welcome to our weblog, in English.

Today we posted two messages in chronological order. You'll find part one and two of our New Zealand trip at the bottom.

Back in Australia we got the news that a cyclone is on it's way. That means a lot of winds, rain and high surf.

Although we we're really up to surfing we thought it was better to stay out of the water. A too rough a sea with story high waves. Looking at the good surfers is always fun. So, what do you do when your plans are blown away... You pack your bag and head off to the Australian Zoo. The park that is made big by Steve – Crikey! Loooook at it, it's beauuuuuuutiful – Irwin. At this zoo we could see most of Australias wicked animals. From crocs to kangaroos to kookaburra's to wombats. If you are wondering what sound a kookaburra makes, turn on your speakers and imagine yourself sleeping in bed at 5 o'clock in the morning..... Don;t you just want to laugh just as hard as them? We do!!!!
That's why we don't mind that these funny birds wake us every morning (a lot of aussies do mind it)

Click play to release the kookaburras.

The cyclone has moved to sea and we we're ready for another day at the beach. We thought! The cyclone hit an oiltanker at sea which lost most of it's load. A big stretch of the beach is now covered with oil! A big environmental disaster for Australia and a big holiday disaster for us. So we went to have a look at the mess at the beach instead.

Last weekend we we're invited to camp in Noosa. We stayed at Noosa river and this time not in a tent but a giant motorhome. We've had a great time with the family and had a wonderful warm and sunny weekend despite the bits of rain.

In the meanwhile the oil is as good as cleared and we've been in the surf twice already. Today was excellent. We finally met up with Adam and he took us to a great spot where both Mijke and I caught some very good waves!!

Here's the link to the album for some more pics.

Australia month 3 week 1

Ozzie greetz, Mijke en Robbert

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